Shushi Namba
Shushi Namba is an Associate Professor of Hiroshima University. My research interests include spontaneous facial expressions, human computing and social cognition.
PhD. Psychology
Department of Psychology Hiroshima UniversityM.A. Psychology
Graduate School of Education Hiroshima UniversityB.A. Psychology
Graduate School of Education Hiroshima UniversityResearch Experience
Visiting Researcher
University College London JSPS- Boss: Eva Krumhuber (https:
/ )/ www .ucl .ac .uk /pals /research /experimental ‑psychology /person /eva ‑krumhuber /
Industry Experience
I like collaborative environments where I can learn from my peers.
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology Hiroshima UniversityResearcher
Psychological Process Team, Guardian Robot Project RIKENAssistant Professor
Department of Psychology Hiroshima UniversityPD
Hiroshima University JSPS- Awarded from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS: https:
/ )/ www .jsps .go .jp /english /e ‑pd /index .html
Graduate School of Education Hiroshima University- Joined in Center of Innovation (COI: http:
/ )/ coikansei .hiroshima ‑u .ac .jp /
Hiroshima University JSPS- Awarded from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS: https:
/ )/ www .jsps .go .jp /english /e ‑pd /index .html
Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences Hiroshima University- Joined in Center of Innovation (COI: http:
/ )/ coikansei .hiroshima ‑u .ac .jp /
Teaching Experience
I am passionate about education. I believe that no topic is too complex if the teacher is empathetic and willing to think about new methods of approaching task.
Adjunct Instructor
Fukuyama University Hiroshima, JP- Lectured
- Covered psychological experiment
Introductory Psychology Laboratory, Seminor on Methods of Research in Psychology, Seminar on Psychology, Introduction to Psychology, Seminar in Psychological Readings, Academic writing in psychology, Practical Training in Psychology
Hiroshima University Hiroshima, JP- TA and lectured
I love R.
R package introduction on my blog (in Japanese)
My hobby Blog- Introduction of some useful R packages and tips.
- https:
/ / susishushi .github .io /my _blog /categories /r /
Selected Talks
The facial dynamics of genuine and deliberate surpris
Society for Affective Science (2021 SAS Annual Conference)- Online
Human versus machine emotion recognition from spontaneous and posed expressions
Psychonomic Society 61st Annual Meeting- Online
Posed versus spontaneous expressions - can we tell the difference?
The International Society for Research on Emotion (ISRE 2019)- Amsterdam
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists
JSPS- 3,770,000 yen
Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity start-up
JSPS- 2,860,000 yen
Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows
JSPS- 2,100,000 yen
Overseas Challenge Program for Young Researcher
JSPS- 1,400,000 yen
Computational Process of Sharing Emotion: An Authentic Information Perspective
Frontiers in Psychology- Authored with Sato, W., Nakamura, K., and Watanabe, K.
An android for emotional interaction: Spatiotemporal validation of its facial expressions
Frontiers in Psychology- Authored with Sato, W. (1st), Yang, D., Nishida, S., Ishi, C., and Minato T.
Smile Action Unit detection from distal wearable Electromyography and Computer Vision
16th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture- Authored with Perusquia-Hernandez, M. (1st), Dollack, F., Tan, C. K., Ayabe-Kanamura, S., and Suzuki, K.
The spatio-temporal features of perceived-as-genuine and deliberate expressions
Plos ONE- Authored with Nakamura, K., and Watanabe, K.
Optimizing Facial Expressions of an Android Robot Effectively: a Bayesian Optimization Approach
IEEE-RAS 21st International Conference on Humanoid Robots- Authored with Yang D. (1st), Sato, W., Liu, Q., Minato, T., Nishida, S.
Spatio-Temporal Properties of Amused, Embarrassed, and Pained Smiles
Journal of Nonverbal Behavior- Authored with Sato, W., and Matsui, H.
Distinct temporal features of genuine and deliberate facial expressions of surprise.
Scientific Reports- Authored with Matsui, H., and Zloteanu, M.
Fantasy component of interpersonal reactivity is associated with empathic accuracy: findings from behavioral experiments with implications for applied settings
Reading Psychology- Authored with Kabir, R. S., Matsuda, K., Noguchi, Y., Kambara, K., Kobayashi, R., Shigematsu, J., Miyatani, M., and Nakao, T.
Assessing automated facial action unit detection systems for analyzing cross-domain facial expression databases.
Sensors- Authored with Sato, W., Osumi, M., and Shimokawa, K.
Feedback from facial expressions contribute to slow learning rate in an Iowa Gambling Task.
Frontiers in PsychologyViewpoint robustness of automated facial action unit detection systems
Applied Sciences- Authored with Sato, W., and Yoshikawa, S.
Emotion recognition from posed and spontaneous dynamic expressions: Human observers vs. machine analysis.
Emotion- Authored with Krumhuber, E.(1st), Kuster, D., Shah, D and Calvo, M. G.
Human and Machine Validation of 14 Databases of Dynamic Facial Expressions.
Behavior Research Methods- Authored with Krumhuber, E.(1st), Kuster, D and Skora, L.
Semantics based on the physical characteristics of facial expressions used to produce Japanese vowels.
Behavioral Science- Authored with Kambara T.
Exploring the Assumption of Congruent Mimicry in Emotional Contagion by Leveraging Experienced Emotions as Facial Stimuli.
Facial Expression: Recognition Technologies and Analysis- Authored with Kabir, R. S.
Dynamic displays enhance the ability to discriminate genuine and posed facial expressions of emotion.
Frontiers in Psychology- Authored with Kabir, R. S., Miyatani, M. and Nakao, T.
Spontaneous Facial Expressions Reveal New Action Units for the Sad Experiences.
Journal of Nonverbal Behavior- Authored with Kagamihara, T., Miyatani, M. and Nakao, T.
Spontaneous Facial Expressions Are Different from Posed Facial Expressions: Morphological Properties and Dynamic Sequences.
Current Psychology- Authored with Makihara, S., Kabir, R. S., Miyatani, M. and Nakao, T.
Social context and culture influence judgments of non-Duchenne smiles.
Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science